Sunday, February 15, 2009

Digital Technology in Schools

Technology has definitely changed the way we live – work, school, communication, shopping, food and almost any other thing you can think of. To put it bluntly, if we were to take technology out of our lives, I am sure many of us will feel handicapped in more ways than one. I realized the importance of technology as I am currently teaching at the CDAC centre. As a small tuition centre set up, the only 2 resources that I have are the whiteboard and worksheets. There is no visualizer or OHP. As such, I always find it very inefficient as I would need some time to write the questions on the whiteboard. If I had a computer and a projector, I would be able to prepare the questions on PowerPoint and make use of the animation to enhance my teaching. I could also make use of websites, videos, clips, music, simulations and other resources to show a concept in various ways.

With the concept of multiple intelligences, these concepts are very important as it caters to the various multiple intelligences that students have. Teaching in the Singapore classroom is no longer confined to chalk and talk. Some students are visual learners, while some are linguistic learners. With the usage of technology, in a single lesson, it can be planned to cater to suit the diversity of learners. Looking at the English syllabus for 2010, new components have been added in such as viewing and representing. There is a need to revise the syllabus due to the ever changing world, which is what we want to prepare our students for.

1 comment:

Alen said...

Hey Marie,

I certainly agree with you that there're so many more things we can try exploring with the advanced technology we have currently, as it is important to try to meet the needs of the students who may be more inclined to different intelligence.

Having said that, we have to ensure we don't overly-rely on these technology to the point that we may find that we are at a loss when there is not computer in the class for our PPT & stuff like that.

The most important thing to note is to let these different technology, meant to cater for the different intelligence, be a way of enhancing our teaching instead of us using it full-fledge for lesson teaching as if we're so dependent on it & that we cannot function without them.